Milica Denkovic
Milica Denković finished master studies of New Media Arts on Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. She was part of the many group exhibitions in Serbia and abroad (Sweden, Netherlands, Hungary, Croatia). Member of Art Association of Vojvodina. Field of work: digital photography and illustration. She is constantly upgrading herself numerous profession workshops, courses and residencies regarding photography, and design. She is interested in transmedia storytelling in the area of photography and new media. Currently is in editorial board of web cultural platform
Space is my inspiration. The architectural one. Man-made structures and places. The way people build, use, destroy, abandoned, rebuild, remake spaces and also how they imagine them. It’s the relation we as a human beings are creating towards space. The very sense of space and it’s poetics. In my research I use photography both as a tool of documentation and a starting point for further reflection. The point of view sometimes is documentary or fictive. Depends on the theme I’m presenting. Sometimes it’s a mixture.