
Program Partners

Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (TH)
Bangkok Design Week (TH)
Centro Universitário Maria Antonia (BR)
Citilab Barcelona (SP)
Da Haus (BR)
Digital Placemaking Institute (AUS)
Freeform Festival (TH)
National Gallery Singapore (SGP)
OUTROS Laboratória para Outros Urbanismos (BR)
Red Bull Station (BR)
Screen City Biennial (NO)
TCDC Thailand Creative & Design Centre (TH)
Verve Cultural (BR) (NO/SE/DK/DE)

University Partners

University of São Paulo / FAU – Architecture and Urbanism College
University of Sydney
City University of Hong Kong, School of Creative Media
ESIC Lab / King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT)
Nanayang Technological University, School of Art, Design and Media (SGP)

Founding Partners

Goethe-Institut Thailand
Connecting Cities
Media Architecture Institute
Public Art Lab

Funding Partners

Goethe-Institut Beijing
Goethe-Institut Durban
Goethe-Institut São Paulo
Goethe-Institut Singapore
Danish Arts Foundation
Goethe-Institut Thailand
Future DiverCities / European Union, Creative Europe Programme
OCA – Office for Contemporary Art Norway