


PROGRAM SCHEDULE | 21-24 February, 2018

(Detailed schedule below)

Wednesday 21 February, 19-22 – opening public event (Goethe-Institut São Paulo)

Thursday 22 February, (18-) 18.30-21 – seminar (Centro Universitário Maria Antonia)

Friday 23 February, 18.30-21 – seminar (Centro Universitário Maria Antonia)

Saturday 24 February, 11-22 – talk, field trip, closing event (Red Bull Station / Da Haus)



From this program you will:

  • Learn about various theories, epistemologies, methodologies and approaches of curatorial thinking and practice with media art in the urban context.
  • Develop and test reflections and thinking about urban media art as critical interference in the urban domain, with potential of evoking historical, sensible, political, cultural, spiritual and habitual resonance.
  • Be able to characterise relevant hypotheses relating to curatorial practice with urban media art as urban and cultural phenomenon, and in relation to viewpoints in the interfering domains of architecture, urban development, cinema, performance and audio-visual, arts and cultural studies, design, music culture and political action.
  • Develop familiarity with both conceptual and practical dimensions of artistic and curatorial projects with urban media art in their urban (geographical and networked) contextualisation.

Explore theories ‘at work’ in the concrete urban context during workshops and a field trip in downtown São Paulo.Learn how to formulate a curatorial perspective for urban space in writing, as a point of departure for formulating artistic calls, concepts for festivals, conceptualisation of artworks, critical reviews and analysis of art, and for academic analysis and bridging between theory and practice.


Text Submission

When participating in this program you are expected to join the full schedule and show up on time, and to actively and constructively participate in discussions.

After our intensive days in São Paulo you will each submit a text (max 600 words) in English (unless otherwise agreed), which will present your curatorial analysis and perspective on São Paulo as a context for urban media art. This text should analyse the context and conditions for urban media art – in São Paulo. The question in the call for this academy: What can urban media art do for São Paulo? was an initial exercise for this text, and you may want to build on your reflections submitted here.

Your text should address the following:

  • A title focusing on an urgent urban issue in São Paulo (have in mind the program theme).
  • Introduce your critical perspective on this urban issue in São Paulo.
  • Present a brief urban/historical contextualisation of the issue (e.g. refer to the city’s urban, architectural, political, philosophical, socio-cultural, spiritual or other histories of your choice) – with references where appropriate.
  • Reference a concrete urban space or environment in the city in which you locate this issue and can exemplify (briefly describe the character of the space, people in it, its dynamics and fluxes, etc.).
  • Reflection on artistic trajectories, tactics, practices, methodologies or orientations that could do something with regards to these issues, perhaps with references to concrete works or artistic movements in São Paulo. Think like a curator analysing and inviting for art to operate in this context of the city, in light of the particular issue of your focus.
  • Please include minimum one visual image/illustration to support your text (this you may gather during our field trip on Saturday).

After feedback, your texts will be edited and combined in an UMAA report on São Paulo summing up our investigations and findings during this program.

The deadline for the text submissions is 4 March 2018.




Bambozzi, Lucas. “Da curadoria de artista a alguma outra coisa.

Beiguelman, Giselle. “For an aesthetics of transmission.First Monday, Special Issue #4: Urban Screens: Discovering the potential of outdoor screens for urban society

Beiguelman, Giselle. “Cidades de código aberto: arte, arquitetura e design no espaço informacional.” Colóquio Internacional ICHT 1. São Paulo, 2016.

Migrating Stories – curatorial statement of the Screen City Biennial 2017. Published online, October 2016.

Toft, Tanya. “What Urban Media Art Can Do_Introduction.” In What Urban Media Art Can Do – Why When Where & How, eds. Susa Pop, Tanya Toft, Nerea Calvillo and Mark Wright. Stuttgart: Av Edition, 2016.


Resources for field trip

Beiguelman, Giselle. Diagrammatic maps as critical devices for hyperlocalizability. Translated from Portuguese by Luis Ribeiro. V!RUS 8. [online], 2012.

Cordeiro, Artur Vasconcelos. “Imágenes, hashtags y base de datos: La experiencia audiovisuel del taller.” VIII Jornadas Internacionales Arte Y Ciudad. Facultad de Ciencias de la Información. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 23, 23 y 24 Noviembre de 2017.

Kwon, Miwon. “Um lugar após o outro: anotações sobre site-specificity.” Temáticas.
(in English below)
Kwon, Miwon. “One Place After Another: notes on site-specificity.” O
ctober, Vol. 80. (Spring, 1997), pp. 85-110.

Prata, Didiana. “Ocupar, mediar e ressignificar a imagem da cidade.” Pós, Rev. Programa Pós-Grad. Arquit. Urban. FAUUSP. São Paulo, Vol. 24, No. 44. p. 28-42, set-dez 2017.
(in English below)
Prata, Didiana. “Occupying, mediating and resignifying the city’s image.” Pós, Rev. Programa Pós-Grad. Arquit. Urban. FAUUSP. São Paulo, Vol. 24, No. 44. p. 28-42, set-dez 2017.


Project references

Artemov Festival in SP (2010)

Egoscopio (2002)

Museu dos [Corpos] Invisíveis (com Lucas Bambozzi) (2015)

Leste o Leste? Did Read the East? (2002)

Poetrica (São Paulo/ Berlim) (2003 – 2004), documentation and on website

Screen City Biennial 2017

The #QR-Comms (2015), on Vimeo in English and Portuguese

Visualismo Project, pdf and link to website


More resources

Bambozzi, Lucas; Rena, Natacha; Rena, Alemar. Cidade Eletronika on Technopolitics. [full book pdf with english texts]

Bambozzi, Lucas; Bastos, Marcus; Minelli, Rodrigo. Ediações, Tecnologia e Espaço Público. [Pdf on]

Beiguelman, Giselle. “Urbanismo Open Source: Aula Aberta.” Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade, ITS-Rio. 10 November 2017.

Beiguelman, Giselle. “Territorialización y agenciamiento en las redes (En busca de la Ana Karenina de la era de la movilidad).” In Giselle Beiguelman and Jorge la Ferla, Nomadismos Tecnológicos (Dispositivos móviles: usos masivos y prácticas artísticas). Buenos Aires: Ariel, 2011, pp. 137-150.

Beiguelman, Giselle. “Public Art in Nomadic Contexts.” In Urban Screens Reader, eds. Scott McQuire, Meredith Martin and Sabine Niederer. Amsterdam: Nai Publishers, 2009, pp. 179-87.





Wednesday 21 February, 19-22

Goethe-Institut São Paulo, R. Lisboa, 974 – Pinheiros 





19.10 Welcome by Goethe-Institut São Paulo

19.15 Welcome by Tanya Toft Ag and Susa Pop (Urban Media Art Academy)

19.30 Introduction by Marília Pasculli (Verve Cultural)

19.35 Introduction by Lucas Bambozzi (Artist, Independent curator – FAAP, FAU USP) and Demetrio Portugal (AVXLab and ALT AV)


19.45 Keynote by Giselle Beiguelman, (Professor at Department of Architecture and Urbanity, University of São Paulo)

Title: Art, Public Space, and Informational Territories in São Paulo: Towards the Archinterface


20.30 Break (10 min)


20.40 Perspectives and panel

Title: Art and Urban Utopias

Patrícia Moran (School of Communication and Art, University of São Paulo)

Fernando Velázquez (artist and curator)

Daniela Arriado (Art Republic and Screen City Biennial)

Giselle Beiguelman (Professor at Department of Architecture and Urbanity, University of São Paulo)

Moderated by Tanya Toft Ag




Thursday 22 February, (18-) 18.30-21

(meet at 18 for a social start, on the 2nd floor balcony)

Centro Universitário Maria Antonia, R. Maria Antônia, 294 – Vila Buarque, São Paulo


SEMINAR: Curatorial perspectives – what can urban media art really do for São Paulo?

10 min perspectives by
Demetrio Portugal (AVXLab and ALT AV)
Title: Counter constructing the image of the city

Daniela Arriado (Art Republic and Screen City Biennial)
Title: Curating the expanded moving image in post-internet times

Lucas Bambozzi (Artist, Independent curator – FAAP, FAU USP)
Title: Curating anti-entertaining art [for a contradictory context]




Friday 23 February, 18.30-21

Centro Universitário Maria Antonia, R. Maria Antônia, 294 – Vila Buarque, São Paulo

SEMINAR: Media Art’s Temporal Experiences

10 min perspectives by:
Patricia Moran, School of Communication and Art, University of São Paulo
Title: Media texture as city time

VJ SPETTO (United VJs)
Title TBA

Showcase by Marília Pasculli, Verve Cultural
Title: Curatorial perspectives on enhancing social relations




Saturday 24 February

Red Bull Station, Praça da Bandeira, 137 – Centro, São Paulo
Da Haus, Rua Inocêncio Unhate 66 – Perdizes, São Paulo

11-17, Lecture, workshop and field trip (Red Bull Station / downtown SP)
18-22, Perspective, performance program and closing event (Da Haus)

Red Bull Station
, Praça da Bandeira, 137 – Centro, São Paulo
11-11.45, Lecture by Marco Artigas (Escola da Cidade)
Title: SP Downtown: perspectives

(12-13, Lunch)

13-14.30, Workshops, LabOutros (Didiana Prata, Arthur Cordeiro, Nathalia Lavigne, Giovanna Graziosi, Erica Ferrrari) and Fernando Velazquez, artist and curator
15-17.30, field trip downtown -> ends at Red Bull Station

Da Haus
, Rua Inocêncio Unhate 66 – Perdizes, São Paulo
19, Perspective by Rodrigo Gontijo (UNICAMP)
Title: Narratives modes of live cinema and the relations between audiovisual performance, poetic documentary and film-essay

19-20, Closing event
Performance Program, chaired by Rodrigo Gontijo (on behalf of Da Haus crew)
Program TBA


Final curatorial text submission: 4 March 2018

