Glenda Caldwell

Dr Glenda Amayo Caldwell is a Senior Lecturer in Architecture, School of Design, Creative Industries Faculty at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).  She is the associate director of the QUT Design Lab and leads the Design for Communities and Resilient Futures Research Program. Embracing trans-disciplinary approaches from architecture, interaction design, human computer interaction and design robotics, Glenda explores the intersection and translation of physical and digital media in creative processes. She is the author of numerous publications in the areas of media architecture, community engagement, and urban informatics. Her research has informed policy development, urban master plans, and the adoption of design-led manufacturing capabilities in Queensland. She is an active researcher in the Urban Informatics and the Design Robotics research groups at QUT.



Design Robotics:

QUT Design Lab:

QUT Eprints:,_Glenda.html

Twitter:  @GlendaACaldwell
