Cong Nie

My name is Cong Nie, a second-year graduate student at the College of Architecture and Landscape of Peking University. Before that, I studied at South China University of Technology for the bachelor degree in landscape architecture. My supervisor is Prof. Li Dihua, who leads us to study the problems encountered and design methods in the process of urban development.

I am also a co-founder of a design studio called Part Design, at the studio, we believe that design is not absolute and stationary, part of its design should belong to the users, which leads our design attempts to integrate more interactional concepts, and we try to have a multi-disciplinary practice in architecture, interior, landscape design and art.




I have been studying for 7 years on landscape architecture and set up a design studio to put the theories into practice. I have a strong interest in urban media art and I am trying to apply media art to architecture and landscape design which I have a good accumulation of design capabilities. As I am studying the problems and contradictions encountered in the rapid urbanization development process, I hope to be able to join this academy program about how may art contribute to the negotiation of Beijing’s urban future. I really look forward to contributing my own opinions and ideas to this program.